Hey! I am

Yogesh Vishwanathan

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About Me

A developer looking forward to actively get an industry exposure and learn pragmatic approach towards Deep Learning and Software Development with a demonstrated history of project Development and management

  • Name: Yogesh Vishwanathan
  • Date of birth: September 27, 1999
  • Address: 103 1/2 Victoria Place,Syracuse,NY
  • Zip code: 13210
  • Email: yvishwanathan@gmail.com
  • Phone: +1-315-878-9847

0 Project complete

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Master of Science in Computer Science

Syracuse University, Syracuse

Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Engineering

SIES Graduate School of Technology, Nerul

An highly motivated student with an active contribution to the community and eager participation in extra curricular activities

Average CGPA : 8.0


Higher Secondary Education (Maharashtra Board)

P.E.Society English Medium High School and Junior College, Thane

Average Percentage : 74.5


Secondary School Certificate (Maharashtra Board)

Vasant Vihar High School & Jr. College, Thane

Average Percentage : 89.5


Publicity Manager

SIES Graduate School of Technology

Organized different technical and cultural events in university while managing a large group of students

Core Organizer

CSI , SIES Graduate School of Technology

Initiated the annual computer engineering department IEEE paper presentation competition

EDC Team Member

EDC Team , SIES Graduate School of Technology

Organize entrepreneurship awareness camps, entrepreneurship development programmes, skill development programmes for students


December 2019 - January 2020

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd

Technical Intern

Inventory Management System

  • Collaborated with a team of engineers and developed Inventory Management System for various shipment orders and is currently being used by the company.
  • The entire backend was devised using PostgreSQL.
  • Front End was maintained by HTML/CSS/JS.
  • Integrate with Java Servlets and Apache Tomcat for dynamic web page loading and low latency.
June 2019 - August 2019

Trivia Softwares, Mumbai , Maharashtra

Java Application Developer Intern

Student Database Management System

  • Devised a Student Database Management System currently being deployed by one of the top educational institutions in Mumbai.
  • Implemenation of RDBMs on MySQL server for data archival and storage.
  • Simplistic GUI for basic functionality using Java Swing library.
April 2022 - May 2022

Goodlife Youth Foundation, Syracuse , New York

Database Developer

Notion Task Manager System

  • Data management for event management and organization focused on NGO activities.
  • Organize and collaborate among volunteers using Notion and Air tables for visualizations and data management to ensure maximum engagement and improve organization engagement.
  • Developing a dashboard for the same for live feedback with stakeholders using Tableau.
May 2022 - Present

Syracuse University , New York

Data Analyst

  • Organize and collaborate among stakeholders and visualize Oracle Database Hyperion on Tableau.
  • Developing multiple dashboards using Scikit Learn and Tableau and managing AWS pipelines simultaneously.
  • Integration of Dataiku Platform with onboard dashboards for flexible use for the end user.





Power BI

Web Dev












AWS EC2 / S3



PHP Project on Online Attendance Monitoring System

  • Implemented a Live Attendance Monitoring System for students and faculty.

  • It has easy to utilize UI with charts and reports about individual students and lectures

  • Designed an overall product UI with the help of Figma and Firebase for the same

Credit Card Fraud Detection System

  • Created a module to detect fraudulent transaction happening via credit cards
  • The detection of the model was done by OCR and Autoencoders in Keras resulting in live fraudulent data

Attention Span Detection for Online Lectures

  • Developed Facenet & MTCNN for Facial Landmark Detection.
  • Created a final product for the same using Bootstrap and Figma and hosted it on Twilio
  • Implemented OpenCV and PyAudio for Audio and Eyes Detection and hosted it on WebRTC.
  • We used FACENET & MTCNN for SOTA Facial Landmark Detection. The system was highly scalable , fault-tolerant and gave an efficiency of 98%
  • We have developed a full-stack website using Firebase, Twilio API, Posenet, HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Node Server, EJS template engine, RabbitMQ and Flask API.

Gesture Keyboard for Deaf & Dumb

  • Executed the model utilizing Arduino & MPU -650 Accelerometer and Flex Sensors for Gesture Recognition
  • Low cost device which is a smart glove that can perform various sign language recognition to assist dumb and deaf people.
  • Executed the model utilizing Arduino & MPU - 650 Accelerometer and Flex Sensors for Gesture Recognition.
  • We increased the overall performance by 60% and replaced sign interpreters with this device.

Predict Closed Q’s in StackOverflow

  • Prediction of Closed Q’s for distinguishing and assisting the Moderators for flagged posts in StackOverflow.
  • Created a baseline model with CNN using text classification and text categorization.
  • By making use of 1D Convolution and pooling, we try to extract required features/patterns that aid us in classification.
  • Integrated it with a LSTM to construct a Prediction Model for the same.

Movie Recommendation System

  • User Based Content filtering Recommendation
  • Using Cosine similarity and TF IDF Count vectarization for Recommendation.

My Services

My Services

Providing Industry Quality services with utmost dedication and commitment

0 Projects
0 Complete Projects
0 People Collaborated
0 Cups of coffee

My Publications

My Publications

Just a pass time in which I like to share knowledge with the community

Credit Card Fraud Detection System

Credit Card Fraud Detection using OCR & Autoencoders in Keras

Gesture Detection for Deaf and Dumb

2021 Conference on Technologies for Future Cities (CTFC 2021) IEEE paper

Low cost device which is a smart glove that can perform various sign language recognition to assist dumb and deaf people

I'm Available for freelancing

Just give a call for work oppurtunities and project collaborations WFH or full-time

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Want to Collaborate on project ? or Just for a cup of Coffee to brain-strom Random Ideas , Contact Me